Friday, September 15, 2006

bing at the blue lake
Sonny said that these grass were called "black boys" but now it is no longer politically correct to call them as such. At any rate the sun was shining nicely and the grass were a nice back drop so I asked Bing to pose for a picture. It was a long walk to go inside Blue lake but truth be told we should have been happy with Brown Lake which is a much nicer place to visit.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

official birthday photos

Above is our official photo for 2006. This sort of evolved into a tradition with Cocoy and me because we had our pictures taken on our birthday since 1999. This year we decided to put together a composite at the rooftop of Pitak Court.

Above was last year's photo. We did not have any party so we thought that it would be a good idea to do a party spoof with a muffin for a birthday cake.

august birthday celebrants
This year Cocoy, Ate Aida and I arranged a combined birthday party. Cocoy and I share the same birth date while Ate Aida's birthday was on the 24th. Most of our friends were able to drop by. We also met some new people. Filipino food filled the table with dinuguan, pinakbet, macaroni salad, sinigang and of course pancit for long life. Thanks to Ate Aida for cooking the nights food. At the end of the evening, Cocoy insisted that we open our gifts. I think the real reason was to see how Ate Aida will react to his gift. I cannot be sure as to Ate Aida's reaction because she seem to be upset that Cocoy's gift is too small! Cheers!

independence day party

Last June the AFT held a Philippine night to celebrate our country's independence day. It was an opportunity for me to use my barong. Most of the people who attended were wearing the national costume. We stayed late because of the great music, we just could not stop dancing!

western night
FLG had an afternoon bash held at the disco of one of Bangkok's hotels. I was so excited to finally find a use for the checkered shirt that was given to me by Rosella. I got a cheap kerchief at the entrance counter. While most of the ladies were dressed to the western nines, it seems like I was the only guy who made the effort to put on western drag, Needless to say I won an award that night. With the gift certificate, I bought a photo book from Central Department stores. Thank Rosel for the shirt and thanks Nancy for sending me the pictures!

FLG induction

I am finally trying to catch up with my posting. These are the photos taken during the induction of the new officers of the Filipino Ladies' Group in Thailand at the Philippine Embassy. That was the night that I became an honorary member of the club. I attended the induction to cheer the appointment of ate Aida as 2nd secretary of the club. Nancy Lewis is the incoming president. Anyway it was a night to celebrate with friends and a lot of food.